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Trojan Youth Soccer

Trojan Youth Soccer

News Detail


May, 2020

League Updates

Here are a few updates on the league, important dates, and help we will need throughout the season. We have another update with Indiana Soccer next week and hope to obtain more information on changes needed to resume play in July.

1. As of right now no one can access school property until July 1st (subject to change). This will limit our ability to prep fields, so we WILL NEED volunteers to assist starting in early July. You can sign up during your child’s registration as well as there is a signup form on our Facebook site as well. ( Remember this time will help reimburse for the volunteer fee that will be charged with your registration.

2. We are still in need of Sponsors. As of right now, we have received about 25% of the sponsorship that we received last year. We are still reaching out, and hope to receive more in the next 30-60 days, but if you know a company that can sponsor, please let us know or let them know. Here is a link to our Sponsor form.

3. As of right now we still plan to have the season run from early August till late Sept/Early Oct as we did last year. Practice would likely start early to mid July, once teams have been distributed and games will still be coordinated with Batesville and Greensburg (for U10 and up)

4. As always, we anticipate we will need coaches, so if you can coach, please sign up as part of the registration. Also please fill out the Adult Registration link ( so that we can register your account for the concussion training that is required. Once you have signed up, we will get you setup for the new online training required by Indiana Soccer and the state of Indiana.

Also as another reminder, registration is open and will close May 31st, so please sign up your kids soon.
You can register here

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